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Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology published SEE result. MoEST Published SEE Result in the second week of Ashad. We can check our result through SMS, IVR and online. Here we are going to share how to Check SEE (SLC) Result Online With Marksheet.
Check SEE (SLC) Result Online With Marksheet.
Here is the list of some official sites to Check SEE (SLC) Result Online With Marksheet.
Nepal Telecom
Ministry of Education
Department of Education
Office of Controller of Examination
National Examinations Board
Edu Sanjal
Nepal Telecom
Ministry of Education
Department of Education
Office of Controller of Examination
National Examinations Board
Edu Sanjal
There is another option also to check SEE result. We can check it via SMS. Here is method to check SEE (SLC) Result Via SMS.
SEE <space> Symbol No.
SEE <space> Symbol No.
on the message box and Send it to 1600 or 35001 or 31003 from NTC or NCELL.
Here is Image of some more SMS providers to Check SEE Result via SMS.
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